Press Release

2014.12.26 Financed by the National Government
Press Release Press Release by the Ports and Harbors Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Japanese language)
2014.11.28 Appointment to the port management company at Hanshin Port and the third-party allocation of shares
Press Release
2014.10.10 Application for appointment as a port management company at Hanshin Port
Press Release
2014.10.8 Application for cargo incentive at Hanshin Port in fiscal 2014 started
Press Release
2014.10.1 Kobe-Osaka International Corporation established.
Press Release


Cargo incentive at Hanshin Port
Kobe-Osaka International Port Corporation

[Head Office]
Kobe International House, 20・19F,
8-1-6 Gokodori,
Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0087, Japan
TEL +81-78-855-2215
FAX +81-78-855-3960

[Osaka Office]
ATC O's South 5F, 2-1-10 Nanko-kita,
Suminoe-ku, Osaka 559-0034 Japan
TEL +81-6-6615-7239
(Facilities Dept.)
TEL +81-6-6615-7228
(Facility Management Dept.)
FAX +81-6-6615-7210